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    Reasons Why Your Skin Breaks Out When You Travel
    our pores are sensitive and react to all of the various elements traveling presents. From weather changes to time zone switches and dehydration, here’s how to keep your skin healthy :
    • Weather : You can combat these by consistently washing your face and applying a daily moisturizer. If you’re someone who breaks out easily. Some good ones are a benzoyl peroxide cream or the clear salicylic acne pads.
    • Stress : solution is aromatherapy. For best results, try spritzing your neck pillow with lavender (but only if you know your skin doesn’t break out to the scent). “It helps to prevent neck cramps and encourages good in-flight sleep,”
    • Dehydration : drinking lots of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages on the flight. You’ll feel much better upon landing and your skin will thank you for it.

    query_builder Friday, 27July2018

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    What Are Pores and How to Minimize Them for a Flawless Complexion
    The word “pore” literally means an opening in a surface where microscopic particles can pass. More specific to our bodies, pores are also the opening at the top of our hair follicles. It is also where the sebum (our body’s natural oils) is released to the surface to help our skin be naturally moisturized.
    Tips and Recommendations for Minimizing Large Pores
    • Keep your skin clean (cleanse once or twice per day) to remove makeup, oil, dirt and debris
    • Apply sunscreen year-round (sun damage breaks down collagen, which can lead to saggy pores)
    • Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores (but be gentle and don’t overdo it; 1–3 times max per week is enough).
    query_builder Friday, 13July2018

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    How to Treat Those Uncomfortable Areas That Get Sunburned
    After a day spent collecting good vibes and vitamin D, you return home to rinse off for the evening’s festivities, only to realize that maybe you missed a few spots when slathering on sunscreen. Though the easy-to-see parts of our body—like our arms, torso, legs and backs—get plenty of UV protection, those that are out of reach tend to be out of mind.
    here’s how to protect those hard-to-reach areas this summer
    Your Scalp: using sunscreen powder to protect your noggin. Much like dry shampoo, it can be applied to the hair and scalp to protect this delicate area. If your scalp is currently sunburned, be extra careful when washing your hair by using a gentle shampoo and apply a bit of non-fragrant, natural moisturizer at night post-shower. Your Lips : A lip balm with sunscreen is vital for this area of the body. Not only does it need to be cosmetically elegant and not leave a white unattractive film, it also needs to be safe. Tops of Toes and Bottoms of Feet : high SPF to protect this sensitive area that also receives plenty of radiation exposure during flip-flop and sandal season. To recover from a burn, opt for cooling aloe vera and put on some closed-toe shoes to give your toes a break. Back of Knees : it’s essential to use a lightweight product that’s sport-friendly and won’t block your sweat glands. If you’re already suffering from redness here, apply some cooling ice packs, followed by aloe vera to relieve discomfort.
    query_builder Tuesday, 03July2018

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    How to Diagnose Your Specific Type of Acne and Treat It Properly
    Studies show that our stomach acid levels tend to drop as we age. “If heartburn were caused by too much stomach acid,” “we’d have a bunch of teenagers popping Rolaids instead of elderly folks. But of course that’s the opposite of what we see.”Hormonal acne is more common in women and happens during puberty. There’s also acne caused by rosacea, stress, certain medications and bad hygiene.
    Common type of acne and how to identify it?
    The most common way to categorize acne is inflammatory vs. non-inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne has no significant redness or inflammation—you’ll see whiteheads and blackheads. With inflammatory acne, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts are present. Nodules and cysts are seen in more severe acne.
    Best treatments for different types of acne
    Non-Inflammatory acne treatment
    Mild, non-inflammatory acne can usually be treated at home with products containing salicylic acid, says Lorenc. Also look for over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and adapalene, recommends Lloyd.
    Hormonal acne treatment
    If you have hormonal acne, you can speak to your doctor and see if they’ll put you on birth control or a pill like Spironolactone,” If your acne is severe, you might want to consult a doctor about Accutane or other acne medication.
    Severe, inflammatory acne treatments
    For more severe acne with nodules and cysts, prescription treatments like antibiotics, topical retinoids and isotretinoin are used
    query_builder Thursday, 28June2018